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Feedback Flash

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The 'Feedback Flash' form is an activity used to evaluate the training and collect constructive feedback from participants. This activity helps identify strengths and areas for improvement for future training sessions.

Suggerimenti e varianti

Continuous feedback: you can send this follow-up survey a few weeks after the training to assess the longer-term effects. To do this, import this template into an asynchronous Beekast session.

Adaptation to context: Customise the questions according to the type of training and specific objectives.

To learn more about how to measure the effectiveness of training with Beekast, read our article here!

Circa l'autore

Author Beekast Beekast

Incoraggia l’intelligenza collettiva nelle vostre riunioni, dai vita a workshop partecipativi o stimola il dinamismo dei vostre incontri traendo ispirazione dai modelli di attività proposti da Beekast.

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5 a 30 min
10 a 30
Evaluate the training and collect constructive feedback to improve it.
Identify strengths and areas for improvement to optimise future training sessions.
Author Beekast Beekast