Home > Tutti i modelli > Liar liar

Liar liar

> Lanciare la comunicazione

Warm up your participants before a brainstorming or collaborative activity with this quick and easy ice-breaker activity. The principle is simple, each person proposes 2 truths and 1 lie and the participants must vote to find the lie of each person.

Suggerimenti e varianti

You can vary this activity by asking participants to come up with two lies and one truth and to vote on which statement is true.

Circa l'autore

Author Beekast Beekast

Incoraggia l’intelligenza collettiva nelle vostre riunioni, dai vita a workshop partecipativi o stimola il dinamismo dei vostre incontri traendo ispirazione dai modelli di attività proposti da Beekast.

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5 a 30 min
2 a 30
To break the ice by getting to know each other
A simple ice-breaker that is ideal for energising participants at the start of a meeting
Author Beekast Beekast