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Office Explorer

> Lanciare la comunicazione

Office Explorer is a training activity designed to familiarize employees with the company's geography, with particular emphasis on its subsidiaries, regional offices, or production sites. This training is particularly useful for large companies with an extensive presence in several geographical locations.

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You can customize the activity by including detailed information about each site, such as its location, size, function, etc.

Organize this training on a regular basis to help employees gradually become familiar with all the company's sites.

Use additional resources, such as videos or presentations, to deepen understanding of the company's geographical sites.

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Author Beekast Beekast

Incoraggia l’intelligenza collettiva nelle vostre riunioni, dai vita a workshop partecipativi o stimola il dinamismo dei vostre incontri traendo ispirazione dai modelli di attività proposti da Beekast.

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5 a 30 min
10 a 30
Reinforce understanding of the company's geographical structure.
Promote better communication between teams spread across different sites.
Author Beekast Beekast