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Square Review

> Fare il punto della situazione

This visual summary tool facilitates the debriefing and sharing of the knowledge assimilated individually during a group workshop. It often leads participants to realize the variety of the outcomes of the session and to value topics that they may not have not perceived as interesting at first. This activity model can be used to close any type of workshop, collaborative work, or intervention with a group. It is particularly useful for reinforcing the benefits of the discussion and developing an action plan.

This model was created by our partner NOW.be.

Suggerimenti e varianti

You don’t have to use all 4 categories in the discussion. You can conduct your discussion and summary session on only the inspiring ideas and topics that need to be further developed.

Circa l'autore

Author Beekast Beekast

Incoraggia l’intelligenza collettiva nelle vostre riunioni, dai vita a workshop partecipativi o stimola il dinamismo dei vostre incontri traendo ispirazione dai modelli di attività proposti da Beekast.

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Lavagna / 
30 a 60 min
2 a 30
To close a workshop by highlighting the key learning points and identify the next steps to take.
Facilitates individual feedback with a group of participants during a workshop.
Author Beekast Beekast