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The Circle of Influence

> Stabilire priorità e decidere insieme

Introduced by Stephen Covey in his book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People", the circle of influence helps individuals to focus on areas where they can make a real difference. This tool enables us to channel our energy into concrete, constructive actions rather than wasting it on concerns over which we have no power!

Suggerimenti e varianti

Continuous improvement workshops: Use this activity regularly to identify and work on the team's concerns.

Circa l'autore

Author Beekast Beekast

Incoraggia l’intelligenza collettiva nelle vostre riunioni, dai vita a workshop partecipativi o stimola il dinamismo dei vostre incontri traendo ispirazione dai modelli di attività proposti da Beekast.

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30 a 60 min
Meno di 10
Identify and focus on areas where we can make a difference.
This activity helps us to prioritise our efforts and improve our well-being.
Author Beekast Beekast